Monday, 30 May 2011

The Early Years of His Ministry

The Chiendas did not stay long at Livlezi. They transferred the following year to Lilongwe CCAP to succeed Rev. Chisanu. By this time they had taken into their home some close relatives: Andion Chimbalanga from Chikhutu Village and Lesina Chintande, a relation of Elizabeth. These young people were a great help in bringing up the young ones.

In 1963, a fourth member of the family arrived, a second boy, who was christened Cliff. In the same year Yeremiah Chienda left for Birmingham, UK, to pursue a course in youth work. He went together with Rev Franklin Chunga from Livingstonia Synod.

He returned from the UK in 1964, arriving at the old airport in Lilongwe by a small plane, apparently after changing planes at Chileka in Blantyre. A number of close relations and associates, including Rev Gabriel Kachaje, went to the airport to welcome home. As soon as he disembarked from the plane, Rev Kachaje shouted "mtambe! Chigwada! Nsinjiro! (names of Malawian traditional dishes). You have found them." For emphasis, he leapt into the air with each each exclamation, adding pomp and colour to the welcome.

Rev Kachaje had the special gift of adding unique creativity to any situation. About five years ago, he visited my parents in Area 47, Lilongwe, arriving at dinner time. My parents asked him to join them at dinner and he quickly said, "No." They proceeded to the dining room, leaving him in the sitting room. No sooner had they finished the prayer than Rev Kachaje appeared in the dining room, saying, "Ah, you only asked me once! You should have asked me a second time and I would have said 'Yes'." They heartily laughed in merriment and had dinner together.

The same year (1964), the Chiendas moved to Chongoni (now Namoni Katengeza Lay Training Centre). The association between the Chiendas and the Kachajes continued to flourish, resulting in, among other things, a Kachaje relation, Mr Chikatiko, courting and eventually marrying Lesina Chintande. The wedding took place in 1965. I was then a toddler but I remember travelling from Chongoni in Rev Chalungama's car, a VW Kombi, to the venue of the wedding, where upon arrival, women engulfed the vehicle singing "Omake mwana ngoti apa? Sidze nzambina. Sosowa, sosowa, sosowa, eyae, nsidze nzambina!" It was pure Greek to me at that time, but I later realised that they were saying, "Who is the mother of the bride? She will will not hide, because she has curly eyelashes." They were, of course, just bluffing. In Africa, wedding ceremonies provide opportunity for plenty of bluffing, but the marriage itself is taken as very serious business.

In 1965, Rev Chienda was posted to Kongwe CCAP, where he succeeded Rev D C Kamphinda. The following year, his sister, Florida, who came after him, got married to Mr H Kamnkhwani, who was then a teacher, as she was. Later, Mr Kamnkhwani went to the Theological College and qualified as full time minister. Later still, he became the fourth Malawian General Secretary, after Rev I M Kainja; obtained a PhD from Stellenbosch University, and sadly passed away while he was Principal of Zomba Theological College.

The other siblings of Rev Chienda were Nella (now Mrs Mbewa), Phylis (now Mrs Rev Katsulukuta) and an elder brother known as Mr Kawayula (deceased)

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