Late in 1988, Rev Chienda was elected General Secretary of Nkhoma Synod for the third time. Accordingly, he moved from Mlanda back to Nkhoma, occupying the same house as he had lived in for eleven years in the 1970s. He replaced Rev Conrad Chimkoka as General Secretary.
One of the major tasks he had to perform during his third term was to organise and coordinate the centenary celebrations of the Nkhoma Synod. Nkhoma Synod had its humble beginings with the arrival of Revs Murray and Vlok at Mvera in 1889. The misison station later relocated to Nkhoma on account of shortage of water at Mvera.
The celebrations fittingly took place in the year 1989. The Synod went to great lengths to have a special centenary Bible published as part of the celebrations. They also, naturally, arranged for a centenary cloth to be produced by David Whitehead and Sons.
The climax of the celebrations was on 27th August, 1989. On this day, His Excellency, the President, Ngwazi Dr Kamuzu Banda graced the occasion with his presence at Nkhoma. Rev K J Mgawi was the Centenary Celebrations Chairman, and Rev L Matanda was at that time the Moderator of the Synod. Together with these two, Rev Chienda welcomed the President to Nkhoma, amid beautiful singing by members of Chigwirizano (Women's Guild) who had lined the entire street from the market to the church singing "Kuwala, e kuwala, e kuwala, kumwamba uko!" (It is shiny, shiny up in gloryland). The clergy gave the President a briefing of the history of the Synod and asked him to sign in a specially arranged visitor's book.
Later, the President attended a church service in the church. He read in Chichewa the New Testament lesson, during the service. He was presented with a specially bound Chichewa Bible after the service.
Afterwards, the President and his entourage conducted a mass political rally at the William Murray football ground in the afternoon.